Bangaarada Panjara

  • Genre(s):Comedy
  • Release year: 1974
  • Running time: 167 min
Bangaarada Panjara is a 1974 Indian Kannada-language comedy film directed by debutant V. Somashekhar and co-produced by actor Raja Shankar. It starred Dr. Rajkumar in the lead role along with Aarathi, K. S. Ashwath, Pandari Bai and more
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Bangaarada Panjara is a 1974 Indian Kannada-language comedy film directed by debutant V. Somashekhar and co-produced by actor Raja Shankar. It starred Dr. Rajkumar in the lead role along with Aarathi, K. S. Ashwath, Pandari Bai and Lokanath. The movie saw a theatrical run of 25 weeks.

Original Release



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