Gorosthane Sabdhan

Gorosthaney Sabdhan is a 2010 thriller film directed by Sandip Ray based on the novel of the same name by Satyajit Ray. The film was released on 10 December 2010. It is different from most other Feluda stories, in the sense that this story is based on...read more

Gorosthaney Sabdhan is a 2010 thriller film directed by Sandip Ray based on the novel of the same name by Satyajit Ray. The film was released on 10 December 2010. It is different from most other Feluda stories, in the sense that this story is based on Feluda's hometown Kolkata (Calcutta). Most of Feluda's adventures take place as he and his company go to visit some place in India or outside. Here, however, Calcutta itself is the setting. It is the fourth film of the New Feluda franchise as well as the sequel of Tintorettor Jishu.

Original Release



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