Casting About

  • NR
  • Genre(s):Documentary
  • Release year: 2005
  • Running time: 86 min
Casting About is a 2007 film about casting for a feature film. Arising from the efforts to fill the female leads of a yet-to-be-made theatrical film titled Moving Still, this behind-the-scenes documentary tracks the deliberations and creative process of more
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Casting About is a 2007 film about casting for a feature film. Arising from the efforts to fill the female leads of a yet-to-be-made theatrical film titled Moving Still, this behind-the-scenes documentary tracks the deliberations and creative process of casting. It includes footage taken from the auditions of 350 actresses in Berlin, Boston, Chicago, London and Los Angeles that depict the attempts of a director to find performers for three characters and the struggle of the actors to win roles in his film. The film is directed by Barry Hershey and produced by Lewis Wheeler.

Original Release


US Release



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