Go Fish

Go Fish is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from June 19 to July 3, 2001. The series was created by Adam Herz, developed by Pam Brady and starred Kieran Culkin in his only regular role in a television series. A total of five episodes...read more

Go Fish is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from June 19 to July 3, 2001. The series was created by Adam Herz, developed by Pam Brady and starred Kieran Culkin in his only regular role in a television series. A total of five episodes were produced, leaving one of those five unaired.

Original Release

06/19/2001 on NBC

US Release



(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Go Four-Point Plan Tuesday, 19 June 2001
2 Go P.D.A. Tuesday, 19 June 2001
3 Go Student Council Tuesday, 26 June 2001
4 Go Wrestling Tuesday, 03 July 2001
5 Go Rebel


Arlene Sanford, Peter Lauer, John Fortenberry, Allan Arkush


Pam Brady, Jeff Lowell, Christopher Miller, Adam Herz, Phil Lord


Adam Herz




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