
  • Genre(s):Comedy
  • Release year: 1989
Heartland is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from March 20, 1989, until June 12, 1989. The series stars Brian Keith as an old-fashioned Nebraska farmer who moves in with his daughter, son-in-law and their family. Keith's real-life daughter Daisy...read more

Heartland is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from March 20, 1989, until June 12, 1989. The series stars Brian Keith as an old-fashioned Nebraska farmer who moves in with his daughter, son-in-law and their family. Keith's real-life daughter Daisy Keith plays one of his grandchildren. The show was created by Don Reo, and was produced by Impact Zone Productions in association with Witt/Thomas Productions and distributed by TeleVentures.

Original Release

03/20/1989 on CBS

US Release



(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 The Tornado Monday, 20 March 1989
2 B.L. Moves Out Monday, 27 March 1989
3 Johnny Goes to California Monday, 03 April 1989
4 Gus Sees a Dead Guy Monday, 10 April 1989
5 Girl Wrestler Monday, 17 April 1989
6 Life and Death Monday, 24 April 1989
7 The Sky Is Falling Monday, 01 May 1989
8 The Dog Story Monday, 08 May 1989
9 No Place Like Home Monday, 22 May 1989
10 The Wild One Monday, 12 June 1989


Steve Zuckerman, Andy Cadiff, Terry Hughes, Zane Buzby


Don Reo, Judith D. Allison, Bill Richmond, Julia Newton


Don Reo



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