
JULIA is inspired by Julia Child’s extraordinary life and her long-running television series, “The French Chef,” which pioneered the modern cooking show. Through Julia’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American...read more

JULIA is inspired by Julia Child’s extraordinary life and her long-running television series, “The French Chef,” which pioneered the modern cooking show. Through Julia’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution. At its heart, the series is a portrait of a loving marriage with a shifting power dynamic.

Original Release

03/31/2022 on MAX

US Release




(see additional cast & crew)
# Title Air Date
1 Loup en Croûte Thursday, 16 November 2023
2 Fried Chicken Thursday, 16 November 2023
3 Pressed Duck Thursday, 16 November 2023
4 Chocolate Mousse Thursday, 23 November 2023
5 Bûche De Noël Thursday, 30 November 2023
6 Chartwinkerie Thursday, 07 December 2023
7 Shrimp and Grits Thursday, 14 December 2023
8 Lobster Américaine Thursday, 21 December 2023


Melanie Mayron, Jenée LaMarque, Scott Ellis, Charles McDougall, Erica Dunton


Natalia Temesgen, Daniel Goldfarb, Eboni Booth, Christopher Keyser, Emily Bensinger, Erica Lipez, Thaddeus McCants, Kate Fodor


Daniel Goldfarb



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